
» » 團契/小組



San Diego Chinese Mandarin Church
3441 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, San Diego, CA 92117
Tel: (858) 270-3282

禱告團契 / 周二代禱 / Tuesday Intercession Prayer.

每周二晚7:30 – 9:30 在線上舉行,為教會事工,肢體需要,以及神國度的事工祈禱.也為不能來參加的弟兄姐妹的需求代禱. (可填寫以代禱表格,電郵到本教會). 請按以下代禱連接:

Every Tuesday night 7:30 – 9:30 via zoom, praying for church ministry, physical needs, ministry of God』s kingdom, intercession for the needs of brothers and sisters. For those who can not attend can Email prayer request to our church by Clicking the link below:


常青團契 Evergreen Fellowship

每月第二個周三早上10:00 – 12:00,在線上舉行, 學習《聖經中的家庭》。以年長的弟兄姐妹為主,也歡迎周間不用上班的弟兄姐妹來參加。

On the 2nd Wednesday of every month, 10:00am – 12 noon, via zoom, for elderly brothers and sisters. Also welcome all brothers and sisters to attend.

以斯帖團契  Esther Fellowship

每周四晚 7:00 – 9:00,在線上舉行,以查考聖經 – 出埃及記,分享生活心得和見証為主題,是本堂的「姐妹團契」,由海音師母與婷芝姐妹負責。歡迎姐妹們參加。

Every Thursday from 7:00 to 9:00 in the evening, held on zoom: to study the Bible, to share life experiences and testimony. It is the church』s 「Sister Fellowship,」 led by Carolyn and Tingzhi. Welcome sisters to attend.

恩典團契 Grace Fellowship Friday night Bible Study

每個周五晚上7:30 – 9:30,主題是查經 – 保羅書信。參加肢體主要是中、青年和夫婦們。每周備有簡單晚餐,6:30開始,方便下班後直接來參加聚會的肢體。也可以綫上參加,由沈達弟兄負責。

生命團契 Fellowship of Life (Friday night Bible Study for Elders)

每個周五晚上7:00 – 9:00,主題是查經 – 提前後書。參加肢體主要是中、老年的弟兄姐妹。在zoom上舉行。

活力團契 Young Adult Fellowship

每個周五晚上7:30 – 9:30,主題是查經 – 腓利比書。參加肢體主要大學生、青年和夫婦們。每周備有簡單晚餐,6:30開始。一個充滿活力的小組,由張冉姐妹帶領。

英語團契 English Bible Study(暫停)

每月的第二個周五,晚上7:00 – 9:00,在教會舉行,以查考聖經,分享生活心得和見証為主題。由梁演昌弟兄負責,歡迎說英語的弟兄姐妹們參加。

The second Friday of every month, from 7:00 to 9:00 in the evening, is held in the church for the purpose of examining the Bible, sharing life experiences and testimonies. It is the responsibility of Brother Leung Yan Cheong to welcome the brothers and sisters who speak English.

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